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Why do corporate training with Nughe?
\nNughe offers a high level of training based on the services provided to the company.\n\nFor example, if the company has purchased a site with the company blog and an IT network with management software, Nughe can train managers and employees on the use of management software, as well as on the correct management of the site and the writing of articles in an SEO perspective.\n\nThis allows to greatly increase the efficiency of the tools used in the company.\n\nWe give the maximum value to systems, hardware, software and services thanks to the collaboration between the work of the people who belong to the company and the professionals of Nughe.\n\nThe best way to grow the company and to maximize its investment is to have the employees prepared and trained to exploit every available resource.\n
What are the advantages of buying training hours?
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- Economic saving: the company becomes more autonomous.
- The most prepared employees are more productive.
- The purchased instruments are fully exploited.
- The employees involved have more incentives to work well.
- People tend to improve their ability to work in groups.
- Increasing knowledge increases the responsibility of those who work.
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How does Nughe’s corporate training work?
\nNughe offers a first package of hours included in the solutions purchased. We recommend it to fully understand the functionality and the right procedures of use.\nSubsequently, based on the company objectives (improvement, updates, recruitment of new figures to be trained, etc), additional training hours can be purchased when needed.\n\nThis \”coaching\” can be carried out both on an e-learning platform, both in videoconference and in-company.”}]}],”section_settings”:””},”scripts”:{},”css”:{},”css_page”:””,”template_setting”:{“settings”:{“id”:”settings”}},”template_setting_top”:{},”page_setting”:{“settings”:[“lock-mode-off”]}}